Nor is it a skill, or a sign of success. And yet, we all compete with each other for levels of busyness. As if the busier we are the more successful, popular and cutting edge we must be. No time for family or friends? Very busy doing important stuff. No time for holidays or relaxation? Even more busy doing mission critical work. And so it goes on! Women are particularly hard hit in this area, because there is a fair amount for the average working woman to do at home, too! While do-it-yourself men also do a great deal around the home, these are often projects with a beginning, a middle and an end. Women’s home work is extremely repetitive to say the least, although I have heard that mindful dish washing is very relaxing. (See link to article below). However, for me, this topic transcends gender. There is always another meeting to go to, frequently a crisis that only you can manage, so when is there time to be a st...
Its just my opinion.... Sharing thoughts, experiences and insights on business issues (and a few personal ones too)