How we love to elaborate… Both in our personal and business lives. It is rare to find somebody who simply answers the question. In sales, it is becoming more and more critical to just say yes or no. If you want to embroider afterwards, by all means, but tell the client you can or you can’t do it, first. That’s what they remember, the yes or the no. Being married to an engineer, I have learnt that if I don’t answer the question, he simply repeats it, until he gets a definitive answer.. As the above is extremely bad for marital relationships, I try to say yes or no first and then give the details. I thought it was just me, but I have been observing my friends and the people I work with, and it is fascinating how few one word answers are immediately available. When you are selling and a client asks you: If the widget turns blue in the dark, say yes if it does, then ask if that is a key part ...
Its just my opinion.... Sharing thoughts, experiences and insights on business issues (and a few personal ones too)