How many times have you heard? The days really aren't long enough There is too much pressure Being a manager has never been more difficult. Work's not fun anymore I have tried delegating, but end up doing it myself, anyway All of the above have been said to me over and over at various functions and meetings, and I think I've said a few myself. Twenty years ago, every manager had a secretary or assistant, then in came desktop computing, and we all started doing our own typing, setting up business models etc, and the day of the shared assistant, and then no assistant at all drifted in. Two types of time managers often emerge during stressful times, those that can't say no, and those that say ''its not my job''. Methods of dealing with urgent issues divides the leaders from the followers. One of my favourite stories is from entrepeneur Albert C. Black Jnr and its about the cow in the ditch. To paraphrase, first get the cow out of t...
Its just my opinion.... Sharing thoughts, experiences and insights on business issues (and a few personal ones too)