Three favourite business words that open up lots of discussion. And so important in running the Accsys business, because they come up every single day, in one way or another. Principles Like many businesses, we built up a set of Policies and Procedures, trying to clearly define the principles by which we run our business. Much as I loved the Nordstrom model (see below), we realised it was necessary. Then once we started using them every day, we recognised that they were simply guidelines, needed constant updating and were almost impossible to seamlessly implement. We found that almost everybody believes that the rules are for other people and their circumstances are the exception that proves the rule. Precedents In South Africa, the Family Responsibility rule is very clear, and yet we are constantly asked to expand the rule. We recently had one staff member ask to take 10 years of Family Responsibility in one as he had never used it before....
Its just my opinion.... Sharing thoughts, experiences and insights on business issues (and a few personal ones too)