Are adults the present, if children are our future! Business, life, politics, we are always planning ahead, so much so that sometimes we neglect the very real present. We attach such importance to age that news articles rarely neglect to mention the chronological number of the star of the story. People are “too young” or “too old”. When are we like the porridge in Goldilocks “Just right”? I am not sure if we ever are. We have bought into the idea that if you haven’t achieved certain career objectives by 35 or 40, you never will, success has passed you by. And guess what? Hirers often buy into that, making the move into executive roles for the first time at 50 or 55 almost impossible. A disadvantage to women (and men) who decide that work and family during their child rearing years need to be more integrated and less career driven. Just over 15 years ago, I was advertising a management role. An extremely...
Its just my opinion.... Sharing thoughts, experiences and insights on business issues (and a few personal ones too)