Yes, women are managing companies but do we still have our egos in domesticity? Readers, I have to admit I love to cook. Yes, I am a pressure cook (not to be confused with a pressure cooker, which I have never owned. I nearly won one last year, but the alternative prize was a weekend away, and under serious pressure from my husband, chose the latter. It was nice to spend a free weekend in the Midlands, but it didn’t save the enormous amounts of cooking time that I hear a pressure cooker does…) Back to being a pressure cook – it is a two part definition: I love to explore new recipes for dinner parties (not that they happen that often any more) and have a definite methodology – 3 course dinner = 1 experiment and 2 tried and tested successful courses. Sometimes the experiment is more successful that the tried and tested, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. The second is that I love to throw things together, left overs, combi...
Its just my opinion.... Sharing thoughts, experiences and insights on business issues (and a few personal ones too)