Many managers, including me, procrastinate when faced with a difficult conversation. The end result is that it becomes even more awkward, the longer it is left. I have found that long delays have all sorts of potential results, eg: the situation improves on the surface, so the impact of the conversation is lost, and the learning opportunity is gone or the frustration builds and the problem grows and the situation spirals out of control and causes real problems While allowing a problem to resolve naturally is sometimes a good thing, if it hides an underlying weakness or prejudice or poor process, it will just re-occur and might be seriously damaging. So how do you manage those difficult conversations? Appoint a facilitator (line manager or HR official) Create a safe, quiet space for the meeting. Agree whether it is going to be formally documented or not Agree on a preferred outcome before you start the conversation, even if it is just to have another meeting Set firm...
Its just my opinion.... Sharing thoughts, experiences and insights on business issues (and a few personal ones too)