Tablet or Notebook? Moleskine,
Three years ago, the move from laptops and notebooks to tablets
in meetings was noticeable.
If you didn’t have one,
you definitely felt a little technologically challenged. Move to November, 2014,
and what do you see?
A myriad shaped moleskine notebooks emerging, mostly black!
Trends in Usage
Laptops are getting smaller, only to be augmented by huge
screens on desks, loose keyboards and additional disk drives. (Although the
laptop is effectively being used as a mobile disk drive.) I assume that, in
some cases, this set up is duplicated in home offices.
So laptops are easy and light to carry into meetings, and, of
course, tablets have added keyboards and yet….
In meeting after meeting, I am seeing the switch back to
notebooks and pens.
Mini Research Project
Is it just my perception? Or are some of you noticing the same
References and Notes
twitter: @TerylSchroenn
Thank you for reading Teryl@Work. Should you wish to use any of the material, please acknowledge this blog as the source
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