Are your employees staying because of their managers? Popular thought indicates that people leave because of their managers, so is the opposite also true?
Added to that is the view that it is always the good people who leave.
Fortunately, that is not a view, not a fact!
Great people stay.
As in sales, management ask sales people to find out why they lost a deal. It is even more important to find out why a deal was won.
At Accsys, we realised years ago that we were finding out what individual’s issues were after they had resigned and moved on mentally. We designed a system that allows us to understand our employees’ expectations on a regular basis, not just at increase time, as well as share our expectations with them.
Nothing works all the time, but it has given us much more insight and created a positive manager/employee relationship model.
So why do people stay? Today, many of us have good social media presences and recruitment companies are constantly trawling them to find suitable candidates.
That means that all of us are constantly job hunting even when we are happy in our current positions and not actively on the job market…
Addressing the reasons people stay with your company, at senior executive, level is key to business success.
Some companies thrive on higher than average staff turnover, constantly bringing in new concepts and ideas while retaining a strong base of knowledge in the business. The problem occurs when the core group of retained employees are not strong enough to offer stability and continuity.
Identifying and managing staff retention
· Create a model that interrogates why people are stayingo This is not an annual appraisal, it’s more like an exit interview for current employees
o Open up a structured discussion forum for regular one on ones
o Encourage and appreciate honesty and work towards aligned values
o Run formal staff questionnaires and then make the results public and show where the company is trying to address issues
· Evaluate benefits, both tangible and intangible
o Close to public transport
o Well performing pension funds
o Flexible working hours
o Market related remuneration etc
In our highly competitive world, employee retention is a significant challenge, particularly as lengthy tenure is not seen as critical to career growth.
There are a number of interventions and concepts that may be implemented once there is a clear understanding of the reasons that your employees are staying with you as well as why they are leaving.
It is never possible to be all things to all people, but a mindful approach to keeping what is working and changing or tweaking what is not, can be effective and less painful that a major upheaval every few years at crisis point.
Links, References and Notes
Accsys provides people management solutions ie Payroll, Human Resources (HR), Time and Attendance as well as Access Control/Visitor Management.
The company develops, implements, trains and services our solutions. We provide readers, turnstiles, booms and CCTV.
We run both on premise and in the cloud, as well as mobile options for ESS. Recruitment, online education and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) are part of our offering, too.
twitter: @TerylSchroenn
Note: Thank you for reading Teryl@Work. Should you wish to use any of the material, please acknowledge this blog as the source.
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