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SARS Warning - Fraudulent Tax Returns

There are always ways to make money out of unsuspecting people.   Last week SARS issued a warning to all tax payers to be aware of fake tax practitioners offering guaranteed tax refunds for a rather large share of the refund.

SARS Media Release 15th October, 2013

I know that, no matter how simple your tax is, it is stressful to submit returns.   It is important to note that if a fraudulent practitioner submits on your behalf, you, as the taxpayer, are still ultimately responsible, and SARS is still able to recover any shortfalls from the taxpayer who might have paid over a portion of the refund to the fraudster.

Should you not wish to do it yourself ( and it really is easy with eFiling):

  • Make sure that you use a bona fide practitioner and check their credentials thoroughly.   Remember, if they say it is guaranteed, you should be immediately suspicious
  • Taxpayers are able to visit any SARS branch, with all the relevant documents, and a SARS official will submit their tax return electronically on their behalf and free of charge. 
If you do want to do it yourself:
  • And you are registered for eFiling, there is a Help-u-eFile function on the eFiling website.  

Accsys News


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