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Thinking of leaving - should you discuss it with your manager?

The exit interview is not the time to tell your manager that you would have stayed if.....   When you are serious about your career, and really enjoy your job, except for one key component, take the time to talk before you resign.

While sometimes the grass is greener, more often than not you just inherit new issues at a new company.

It is a difficult labour market in South Africa right now, there is a skills shortage, and yet there are millions of people without jobs.   Working for a stable company, with people you like, and a job you enjoy is important, and yet there are often those frustrations that give you itchy feet.

In your current position, your manager might really want to keep you, and be very interested in finding out what would make you a happier, more productive, employee.   It is also sometimes much easier to have that conversation with somebody you already know, than have it in your first weeks in a new position.

When you know you have choices, as well as know that you are making a valuable contribution, you are in a strong position to have a positive and constructive conversation about your career, where you are, where you should be, and where you want to go.

Its about taking control, offering yourself options, as well as the possibility that your management will take you more seriously, and start to see you in a different way.

Its not about threats, but about an adult to adult conversation, where both parties, employer and employee, move into a more positive, growth situation.

Of course, it doesn't work every time, and sometimes the company might want to keep you, but are unable to offer you what you want, from both the financial and opportunity aspect.   Stay positive, appreciative of being heard, and make your decisions based on a pro-active approach to your career.

Accsys PeoplePlace


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